Teen Breathe

The colour of you

Discover how you can use colour to improve mood and outlook. Red Passionate, bold, adventurous, confident, exuberant, successful, motivated, energetic and optimistic. Red is stimulating and dynamic, but too much can be considered fiery and aggressive. Add a touch of red to boost your confidence and shake off laziness. Orange Flamboyant, enthusiastic, determined, sociable, lively, …

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Teen Breathe Issue 5

Teen Breathe – Issue 5

How are you feeling now – right at this moment? Happy, sad, angry, calm, worried, carefree? It could be all of these emotions (and more). Now try thinking about how you feel about them and whether – and how long – you imagine each one might last. There’ll be times when sadness seems so overwhelming …

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Teen Breathe Boys


Is mindfulness just for girls? Teen Breathe Boys doesn’t think so. This one-off special from Teen Breathe magazine is packed with tips, ideas and activities that show how paying attention to the moment can help boost confidence, tune into thoughts and feelings and bring out your best – no matter who you are. From protecting …

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Fantasy to fact

Don’t be fooled by the perfect photographs and seemingly happy lives people lead on social media. Appearances can be deceptive… Digital Deception Filters and phone-editing tools can magically turn an ordinary photograph into something extraordinary. You can remove a spot, whiten teeth and make your face look slimmer with the click of a button. #nofilter …

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Teen Breathe Issue 4

Teen Breathe – Issue 4

Look up at the sky and it’s easy to feel small and insignificant. On a clear night it’s filled with an array of stars while during the day it’s a shifting scene as clouds of all shapes, sizes and mood come and go. Either way, it’s an awesome sight to behold. It can be a …

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Why start a journal?

It doesn’t judge, doesn’t laugh, doesn’t tell. It just listens – and then listens some more. Here’s why it’s a great idea to keep a journal! 1 It’s a great way to find your voice and build inner confidence, especially at times of great change, physically and emotionally. 2 If you are working towards a …

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Teen Breathe List Journal

List Journal

The Teen Breathe Special List Journal is a unique journal offering space for reflection and improved self-awareness. Creating lists in the List Journal helps you to gain control of your emotions and offers guidance and inspiration by allowing you to explore your dreams, goals and achievements. There’s plenty of space for you to draw, colour …

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Why silence is golden

While we might think we know what silence is, in a world of stress, technology and digital chatter, finding it can be a challenge. Silence helps create harmony within. Removing noise gives you time to think and contemplate, which can lead to a deeper, more balanced sense of wellbeing. Silence could have a big effect …

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