Teen Breathe

Teen Breathe Issue 9

Teen Breathe – Issue 9

Tomorrow, next week, next month: it’s easy to put off for another day a task that, well, just doesn’t appeal that much or seems so daunting that even thinking about it can make you feel ill. The trouble is, delaying jobs – AKA procrastinating – tends to make them even less attractive and a lot …

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Teen Breathe choose respect

Choose Respect

As part of Anti-Bullying week, Teen Breathe is encouraging everyone to stand up and Choose Respect Imagine feeling too scared to go to school every day because you fear the horrible things that are going to happen. Will you get kicked? Will your money be taken off you? Will you be pushed around and subjected …

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Girls Who Code

Girls who code

Coding is the language of the future – it’s easy to learn, fun to use to make your own website, game or app, and could even help you win your dream job. Amali de Alwis is the head of Code First: Girls, an organisation that aims to get more women coding and working in the …

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Teen Breathe Issue 8

Teen Breathe – Issue 8

Ever feel out of place or awkward – the only one not nodding their head when everyone else loudly agrees that the latest Marvel movie is simply the best yet; not laughing when the class comedian cracks what everyone else seems to think is an award-winning joke; not interested in what celebrities are wearing? Does …

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How to handle anger

Anger makes it difficult to think clearly and communicate effectively. When you’re wound up, try these tips to help put you in a better frame of mind to explore and tackle what made you so angry in the first place. Recognise your anger signs and then count to 10 A fast heart rate and quick …

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Teen Breathe Issue 7

Teen Breathe – Issue 7

Everything’s buzzing right now. The sun’s out, the sky’s blue, suitcases are being packed and picnic hampers (or rucksacks) are being loaded with goodies to eat, games to play and books to read. As far as Teen Breathe is concerned, summer – apart from the pesky wasps who gatecrash the party – is bliss. But …

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Emojis: The choice is… yours

Whether you want to send a friend a hug, tell them you’re off swimming or announce you’re on holiday, there’s an emoji to help. Sharing a simple icon or picture can express your feelings, represent what you’re up to, and indicate if you’re with family, friends or the dog. Since the first emoji appeared on …

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Wake up and stretch

Why the ancient art of yoga is the ideal way to start your day and how it’s never too soon to get started Yoga is the harmonisation of the mind, body and soul. It is an art form that’s many thousands of years old – cave drawings show that yoga was practised more than 5000 …

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Teen Breathe Issue 6

Teen Breathe – Issue 6

How many times a day do you say sorry – once, less than 10, more than 20? Brits are famous (or should that be notorious?) for apologising, especially when they haven’t done anything wrong. It mostly stems from a desire to be polite, consideration for others and to take responsibility for mistakes or unintended hurts. …

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