Teen Breathe

Teen Breathe – Issue 2

Here at Teen Breathe, we try to get everything 100 per cent right and can feel anxious when things don’t turn out as we’d hoped. In short, we get a bit stressed. The thing is, this is normal. But it shouldn’t cause sleepless nights, headaches or panic. If it does – and you wouldn’t be alone in this – it can help to confide in a trusted friend and discover ways to manage the situation.

Similarly, don’t stay silent if you’re affected by the age-old problems of gossip and bullying and their 24/7 cyber equivalents. It might seem daunting, but opening up about what’s going on is the first step to stopping the hurt and fear and tackling the malicious, mostly jealous people who hit out in this toxic way.

On to nicer things – when did you last receive a compliment? Here at Teen Breathe we’ve had lots of lovely comments about our first issue – for which a big thank you. We’re equally as grateful for your suggestions about how we could improve and have made a few changes. We hope we’re on the right track.

Teen Breathe Issue 2 spreads