Teen Breathe


It’s especially tricky when decisions have to be taken about which course to take (or drop) and people start asking questions about what you want to do or be when you leave college or where you see yourself in five years’ time. It’s easy to feel bewildered, anxious and even lost in the quest for answers that refuse to reveal themselves. 

The thing to remember is everyone’s different. Yes, there are students who’ve always known their calling was to be an artist or a doctor, but few people are 100% confident about their life plan aged 15 (or 50 for that matter). 

It can help to focus instead on subjects and pastimes you enjoy. They might not offer an obvious career path but they’ll be more likely to steer you along a route that leads towards your true dreams and bring you greater happiness and fulfilment en route. 

Whether you’re at home or at school right now, be assured that even at the best of times no one knows everything about everything and feeling confused, uncertain and lost is natural. What’s important is that you don’t have to be or go it alone. Reach out to those you love and trust and they’ll help you find your way.

Cover illustration by Katie Smith.