Teen Breathe


Time away from school is generally welcome. But recently things have become a bit more complicated as academic institutions closed their gates early, exams were put on hold or cancelled and most students were sent home with online coursework and lesson plans to be given by mum and dad. 

It’s a lot to take in and understand in a short space of time. And when life changes suddenly it’s natural to feel uneasy. But there are ways of managing this uncertainty including establishing a daily routine, looking for areas you can control, tuning in to your emotions and remembering all the hurdles you’ve already faced and overcome.

It’s also important not to bottle things up. Talk to those you trust, let them know how you’re feeling and tell them if you’re anxious or concerned about your health or your future. And when it comes to coronavirus (Covid-19), the reason behind the recent changes, ask them to help you sort the fact from the fiction by checking gov.uk/coronavirus and nhs.uk/coronavirus

Most of all, know that everything you’ve done to this point – including the mountains of work you’ve put in for exams – is valid. It’s part of you, it counts and it will serve you well in the months and years to come. Be proud of what you’ve achieved.