Who makes the big, life-changing decisions in your house? And how do they reach them?
In many families, there’ll be a discussion about any significant changes – be that moving house, switching jobs or having another baby – before they happen. Sometimes this won’t be the case and it might feel the pattern of your life has been changed to suit someone else’s needs. And you had no say in it whatsoever.
Often, a decision has to be taken. A house move might follow a change in family set-up, for instance, but it’s vital to remember you have a voice and you can influence what happens next.
This applies outside the home, too. People in power – politicians – make decisions that affect everyone’s lives, the world over. They determine what’s taught in schools; how much plastic is produced; how communities get on with their neighbours.
Politicians decide a lot. So it’s sensible to keep a close eye on what they’re planning. And it’s vital to get in on the discussion before they make life- and planet-changing decisions. You do have a say. Find your voice – at home, at school and in the world.