Teen Breathe

How to give a thoughtful gift

Don’t focus on the price tag when you want to mark a friend’s birthday or say thank you for a kind gesture. Instead, get creative and think about a different set of values…

Buy a blank card

This allows you to think about what you really want to say and compose your own message. Use it as a chance to express feelings that you have perhaps never put into words. Be original and honest – you could practise on some scrap paper first to make sure it sounds just right.

Present a gift beautifully

Choose a wrapping paper that reflects their personality or use a ribbon or bow of their favourite colour. You could add practical value by placing your gift into a larger ‘memory box’ to which they can add other mementoes later.

Arrange a ‘gift unwrapping’ ceremony

Double-wrapping a present or offering two gifts (the first one being a silly or funny object and the second one being the real thing) will make it fun for both of you.

Make it special delivery

Leave your gift in a place where it will be found later, perhaps in a coat pocket, a school bag, in a kitchen drawer or even placed carefully on someone’s desk.